Howard Lake, MN Brake Services

Brake Services in Howard Lake, MN

Does your vehicle require brake services in Howard Lake?


Keeping yourself and your passengers safe on the road depends on having effective brakes. When faced with an emergency situation or hazardous road conditions, you need to rely on your brakes to stop safely. But if your braking system isn’t working properly, it can be a recipe for disaster. That’s why your brakes should be checked regularly by expert mechanics.

Professional Brake Services

The team at Arvu Auto is here to help with any brake services in Howard Lake. Our trained experts can check your brakes for signs of wear and tear and if we uncover any problems, we can quickly repair the issue so you can get back out on the road. We use high-quality automotive equipment to perform brake inspections, servicing, and repairs. It’s recommended that you have your brakes checked at least once a year.


It can be difficult to know if there’s an issue with your brakes until it’s too late. However, there are some clear indicators that you might be having brake problems. Schedule a brake inspection with our time immediately if you encounter any of these common warning signs:

Request Service Today!

    • Strange grinding or scratching noises as you brake
    • Car shaking while braking
    • High-pitched squeaking sounds during braking

    Brake Experts in Howard Lake

    Make sure that your brakes are in excellent condition by booking an inspection with your local brake experts. Call the team at Arvu Auto today for the best brake services in the Howard Lake area!


    Working from Monday through Friday, 7:30AM to 5PM.
    If you’re not sure of a service we offer, give us a call at
    (320) 286-5925 or send us a text message at (320) 247-6296.


    • Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00AM to 5PM
    • Address: 14177 US-12 SW, Cokato, MN 55321