In Minnesota, our summers are almost as hot as our winters are cold. From late May through the end of August, temperatures average in the mid 80s and often peak in the high 90s, sometimes even breaking 100 degrees fahrenheit. This high heat can make driving a miserable experience, especially if your car is parked outside all day or has a dark-colored interior.
Thankfully, air conditioning can provide much needed relief from the summer blaze when you’re on the road… unless, of course, your vehicle’s AC stops working. Keep reading to learn when and why you should have maintenance services performed on your car’s air conditioning system.

What You Need to Know About Vehicle Air Conditioning Repair
The air conditioning unit inside of your automobile is forced to endure a great deal of heat produced by both the running engine and the external temperature. Overtime, this heat can cause damage to your AC unit which may result in refrigerant leaking and limit its functionality. Even if your AC unit isn’t damaged, it may not work correctly if the air filter becomes clogged with dust. Because of this, we recommend that you have your car’s air conditioning serviced at least once per year to verify that the AC is functioning properly.
When should you have AC service performed for your vehicle in Minnesota? Right before summer, when your air conditioning will be working its hardest. Try to schedule an appointment in May or early June to guarantee that your AC is operating at peak performance before Minnesota gets blasted with 90 degree days that will cook you inside your car.
Air conditioning does more than just keep your car cool, too. Your automobile’s AC system also circulates air so that it is clean and refreshing. If dust clogs up your AC unit’s air filter due to prolonged use without maintenance, it will allow contaminants to circulate through your car and may begin to produce a smell so bad that you’d rather deal with the heat. Having your air conditioning serviced regularly will ensure that everyone in your car is breathing good-quality air.
While keeping you cool and refreshed during the summer is the main benefit of an automobile AC system, there are economic advantages to having your air conditioning serviced as well. Running your AC, particularly at full blast, will eat up some fuel and, if your AC system is damaged, the amount of fuel used up by its operation will increase substantially. By having your AC unit serviced on an annual basis, you can cut down on fuel costs, not to mention the cost of replacing your vehicle’s air conditioning system if it breaks down entirely.
High-Quality Vehicle AC Repairs in MN
While you may have been able to inspect and repair an old school automobile AC system by yourself, the AC units in modern vehicles are far more complex, and performing maintenance and repairs on them will require the work of a trained auto mechanic. If you want to have your vehicle’s air conditioning serviced in Minnesota, you won’t find a better deal than Arvu Auto. Call us today for the finest vehicle AC services in the West Minneapolis metro!