FAQ'S - What should I do when my check engine light comes on?

What should I do when my check engine light comes on?

If your “check engine” light comes on while driving, don’t panic – it doesn’t mean your car is about to explode. While this dashboard light can be illuminated because of a serious issue with your engine, it may also be the result of a much simpler issue. Unless you’re going on a very long drive, you should be able to reach your destination safely. Once there, the first thing you should do is check if your gas cap is loose. Oftentimes, check engine lights begin glowing because drivers forget to tighten their gas caps properly after fuelling up.

If your gas cap is nice and tight, your next step should be to take your car for a short drive to see if you notice anything unusual, such as weird noises, a bad smell or a change in the way your vehicle handles. If you don’t notice any of these signs, your engine may be fine, but it’s always best to get a professional opinion. Schedule an appointment for check engine light diagnostics with an auto maintenance shop in the West Minneapolis metro. A professional mechanic will be able to identify the cause of your check engine light coming on and recommend next steps.
Common causes of check engine lights illuminating are:
      • Mechanical problems with the engine
      • A faulty spark plug or ignition coils
      • An oxygen sensor malfunctioning
      • A mass airflow sensor that has been damaged
      • Catalytic converter malfunctionFuel that has gone bad or isn’t ideal for your make of vehicle
Has the check engine light come on in your vehicle? Call Arvu Auto today to make an appointment for check engine light diagnostics in the West Minneapolis metro!

We’re open from Monday through Friday, 7:30AM to 5PM. If you’re not sure of a service we offer, give us a call at (320) 286-5925 or send us a text message at (320) 247-6296.

For our location & directions, click here.


  • Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00AM to 5PM
  • Address: 14177 US-12 SW, Cokato, MN 55321