Dassel, MN Brake Services

Brake Services in Dassel, MN

Do you need brake services for your vehicle in Dassel?


Few parts of your car are as important for safety as the brakes. Having good brakes and being able to stop in case of an emergency could literally be the difference between life and death. That’s why making sure that your brakes work is crucial and when getting your brakes checked, it’s crucial to choose local experts who know what they’re doing.

Trusted Brake Evaluations

At Arvu Auto, our expert mechanics offer a range of auto services including in-depth brake checks to vehicle owners in Dassel. It’s recommended that you have your brakes checked at least once a year. If our team finds anything out of place, we can repair your brakes using our arsenal of advanced equipment.


If you’ve started to experience problems with your brakes, there are a few signs to look out for. Book an inspection with our experts if your vehicle shows these issues:

  • Unusual scratching or grinding noises when you brake
  • Shaking from the car while braking
  • High-pitched squeaking sounds when you press the brake pedal

Request Service Today!

    Dassel's Leading Brake Specialists

    Taking care of your car’s brakes is the best way to keep yourself and your passengers safe. Having your brakes inspected once a year helps protect you against potentially deadly brake issues. For all your brake service needs in the Dassel area, contact the team at Arvu Auto today!


    Working from Monday through Friday, 7:30AM to 5PM.
    If you’re not sure of a service we offer, give us a call at
    (320) 286-5925 or send us a text message at (320) 247-6296.


    • Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00AM to 5PM
    • Address: 14177 US-12 SW, Cokato, MN 55321